World’s 8 honey bee species Discover the honey making bee species [in this article we don’t mention bumblebees and stingless bees]General overview: honey bee species worldwide On our planet, we count 8 honey bee species. Keep in mind that there are many types of bees...
Curious bee life
Bees against ants
Bees against ants When super insects fight each other Bees against ants – the prelude Presenting fighter #1: the bees Most bees are highly social creatures. They have a special body structure and gender to match different roles in building nests,...
Why do bees die when stinging
Why do bees die when stinging Exploring the bee’s suicidal behavior Bees are fascinating creatures and we can a learn a lot from them. However, you should observe bees cautiously and only from a distance. When bees or wasps are far away from their hive...
Feel like a bee
Feel like a bee Put your coffee & emails away and slip into your new super body! There is this one question on your mind: How does a bee feel? Nothing easier than that. Put your coffee aside, close your emails & discover your new super powers! Now you are a...