Bees4life on tour

Why is Bees4life on tour?


We know that there are many amazing environmental projects and people in this world. They do great work for the bees and us humans and are an incredible source of inspiration!
It’s time to showcase what positive things are happening around the world.
Our aim is to introduce these fantastic projects/people/organisations to everyone.

In this way, we value their work and to encourage other people to start making a difference in their own countries and communities.

What is the first country?
We start in Australia. But we are interested in initiatives around the world.

If you know any interesting projects, please send us a message through the Bees4life Facebook page.

Bees4life is on tour exactly for this reason: to meet them and show the world what they do!

And now?

Follow us on our journey and get to know all the projects!

3000 Acres, Melbourne, Australia

Women in Melbourne, have a look at this! There is an inspiring Community Garden called RAW, which means Resilient Aspiring Women.

RAW Community Garden, Melbourne, Australia

3000 Acres a not-for-profit organisation that helps people to grow more food. They also do vermicomposting and have a big heart for bees!

The Family of Bendon Park, Australia

The family of Bendon Park is transforming a degraded land through regenerative farming into a paradise, where even wild bees can flourish.

Artist as Family, Central Victoria, Australia

No big land to grow food? No problem! Artist as Family grows vegetables, fruits and even nuts on a 1/4 acre permaculture plot…

Save The Bees Australia, Victoria, Australia

Legal battles, petitions to ban chemicals in agriculture, saving 700 bee colonies, a honeymap & more: Simon Mulvany from Save the bees Australia

Heart of Seeds, Melbourne, Australia

Heart of Seeds brings people together to craft balls made of clay, straw, lime & soil to protect one of the most precious things in life: seeds.

Ashwood Garden, Melbourne, Australia

A handmade pizza oven, chickens, and a prosperous garden! Ashwood Garden is a successful example of a Community Permaculture Garden!

Crystal Waters Eco Village by Morag Gamble, Australia

Crystal Waters Eco Village started out with a completely eroded soil. Today, it is a Permaculture eco-system that supports the local wildlife.

And now? Get inspired by