Bee Extinction

Bees4life shares information about reasons and solutions for bee extinction

Reasons for Bee Extinction

Solutions for Bee extinction

What YOU can do

Sustainable beekeeping

Bees4life Blog

Our latest posts straight out of the world of bees.

Best Plants for Bees and Butterflies in Florida

Best Plants for Bees and Butterflies in Florida

Best Plants for Bees and Butterflies in Florida Summer is approaching and if you are a garden freak then you must be thinking about potential additions to your lawn. Specifically, this time of year is perfect for giving a try to new blooms and while you are at it, you...

Bee Feeder

Bee Feeder

The Bee Feeder for city bees Guest contribution by Dr. Alexandre Serain Shvaloff, Paris, France1. How it works   The Bee Feeder by Dr. Alexandre Serain Shvaloff makes sure that bees can stay hydrated all year round, given that you always keep it filled with...

What we also do

Learn more about what we do to keep this website alive and raise awareness for bees and insects

The Bee Dalat, Vietnam

Beekeeping and Permaculture Graf, Germany


Bees4life is a non-profit initiative. Our goal is to raise awareness about the ongoing insect apocalypse caused by humans.

Bees are well-known insects by almost everybody and one of the most studied examples for the insect apocalypse. Therefore, on our website and in our actions, the bee is the main protagonist. In other words, we care about all insects, but explain the problem through the example of the bee.

We are the voice for endangered insects. We feel the importance of informing people about the consequences, when insects die out and why pollinators are so important.

Furthermore, we are studying the problems causing bee extinction and the possible solutions. So far, we are convinced that regenerative agriculture is key to a solution.

On our journey, we gather bee-minded people and initiatives from around the world. Through Bees4life on tour, we tell you some of their stories.

Together, we contribute to the conservation of all our insects, including bees and other pollinators on our planet.