The Bee Feeder for city bees
Guest contribution by Dr. Alexandre Serain Shvaloff, Paris, France
1. How it works
The Bee Feeder by Dr. Alexandre Serain Shvaloff makes sure that bees can stay hydrated all year round, given that you always keep it filled with water. The water container is slightly sloped in order to give easy access to thirsty bees. You can see the funky patches on the landing platform – those are UV pigments for the vision of Hymenoptera.
The full design of the bee feeder can be downloaded here:
2. Motivation for Bee Feeders
Especially in hot summer months, bees need access to water sources. Now you can build your own bee feeder for your balcony!
Bees can drown easily, so many usual water sources actually bear a drowning risk for bees. This water container has been specifically designed to avoid this problem by slightly sloping the water access.
Thank you, Dr. Shvaloff, for one more useful invention for our friends, the bees. 🙂