Sustainable beekeeping

Let’s start with this general, uncomfortable truth about beekeeping. Here is why whe should at least practice sustainable beekeeping:

Native bees living in a natural environment do not require human help to survive. They lived for thousands of years without any human assistance.
Differently, 60 – 80 %  of OUR fruits and vegetables come from insect-pollinated plants.

Bees don’t need us, but we need them.

How to practice sustainable beekeeping and live in harmony with bees


However, these days we see artificially produced bee breeds, that may sting less and produce more honey in most hives. Those bees might need human assistance to survive diseases and virus attacks. Due to their unnatural softness and weak defense mechanisms, they struggle handling and defeating invaders coming from outside the hive2.

So how to help bees in their daily activities and live in harmony without exploiting them?

Explore the world of beekeeping from a sustainable point of view:

Guide to Sustainable Beekeeping

Learn the principles of a sustainable beekeeper.

Bee-friendly plants & trees

Find out which plants are particularly liked by bees and pollinators.

Guide to Honey Bee Races

Find out which honey bee race suits you best!

Guide to Bee Hives

Learn more about bee hives and what characteristics are important to consider before the purchase.

Guide to Bee Swarming

A full overview about the reproduction process of honey bees and what you should know as beekeeper.

Guide to Natural Treatments

We present some of the natural treatments for bee colonies.